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Cymraeg Campus

                                     Croeso !                                         Welcome to our homepage!


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The Mighty Dragons



The pupil voice group 'The Mighty Dragons' consists of up to three members from years two - six who meet every Thursday afternoon. The role of The Mighty Dragon is a big one with its main aim is to encourage the use of Welsh in and around the school with pupils and the teachers.

                                                              Gwobr Efydd Siarter Iaith / Bronze Award Welsh Language Charter

                                  In 2018 we achieved the Bronze award in the Welsh Language Charter for primary schools. We are proud of                              what we have achieved. We believe children now have the opportunity to speak and enjoy Welsh during                                        every part of their school day.


 Gwobr Arian Siarter Iaith / Silver Award Welsh Language Charter

 We have started to work towards the next set of criteria to achieve the Silver Award. Criw Cymraeg will be very busy supporting pupils and staff to meet the challenges of the Silver Award

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       How about trying a few Welsh phrases at home or downloading Welsh apps.

Bore da                    Good morning

Nos da                      Good night

Sws                            kiss

 Da iawn ti                 Well done you

Amser cinio              Dinner time

Amser bath              Bath time

Amser gwely            Bed time

Hwyl fawr                 Good bye



You can find Welsh websites on our: 

LLC English and Welsh website



Currently working on:

Organising a Shwmae day.

What is shwmae day ? 
Shwmae Sumae Day is a day marked each year in Wales to celebrate and promote the Welsh language. Shwmae and Sumae are informal greetings used in the south and the north respectively to start a conversation.

Sunday, 15 October 2023

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