Additional Learning Needs
What do the new changes mean for children at Llantilio Pertholey Primary School?
The New ALN Bill
In Wales we are determined to deliver a fully inclusive education system for learners. A system where needs are identified early and addressed quickly, and where all learners are supported to reach their potential. Around 23 per cent of all learners at maintained schools in Wales have SEN. Overall the academic attainment of learners with SEN is poor compared to the rest of the learner population. Under the new system, planning will be flexible and responsive, our professionals will be skilled and confident in identifying needs and deploying strategies to help learners overcome their barriers to learning, and the learner will be at the centre of everything we do.
At Llantilio Pertholey Primary School we aim to support the needs of all children and are an inclusive school. This includes meeting the needs of all children who require additional support to make expected progress and those who need to be challenged in order to fulfil their potential. We look to meet the needs of children with additional learning needs and physical needs through a variety of strategies and programmes. The Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (Miss Davis) works with class teachers and learning support assistants (LSAs) to provide appropriate support.
A variety of strategies are deployed to meet the needs of the children, these may include additional support or scaffolds in class, as well as being withdrawn for small group work. We offer nurturing provision and encourage a close relationship with educational professionals working through Monmouthshire Education Services and health professionals. Parents and carers are always informed if school feels their child needs extra support and at that stage the child is put on the school's Additional Learning Needs Register, at one of the stages outlined in the Code of Practice. All children on the ALN Register will have their needs regularly reviewed by the class teacher, ALNCO and the Headteacher to ensure that differentiation and support meets every child’s individual needs.
On occasions, children are referred to other professionals for advice, e.g. a speech therapist, the teacher for the hearing impaired, educational psychologist etc. Parents are always asked for their permission for these referrals to take place and are kept informed of the outcomes.
We are committed to developing a culture of awareness, tolerance and inclusion.
The Governing Body undertakes an annual assessment of the access to the school and the curriculum; an action plan is agreed on, which addresses identified issues so the needs of all children are met. The present school site has been designed to ensure there are no physical access issues for children with mobility problems. If your child has a specific need then we would be pleased to discuss any possible issues that might arise from them joining our school.