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Religious Education

Although we are a school with Christianity at it's heart, our Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE) is the same as every school in Wales.


RVE is the name the Welsh Government has given to Religious Education in the Curriculum for Wales.  RVE is mandatory for all learners aged 3 to 16.  This now sits within the Humanities Area of Learning and Experience (AoLE), along with Geography, History, Business Studies and Social Studies. RVE is still locally determined and therefore, as well as having regard to the Curriculum for Wales Framework Guidance on Hwb, all schools in Monmouthshire must have regard to the Monmouthshire Agreed Syllabus for RVE when designing their school curriculum.   


From September 2022, there will be no parental right to withdraw primary aged pupils from RVE as the new Curriculum for Wales is implemented in their year group. The parental right to withdraw will remain in place until their year group becomes subject to the Curriculum for Wales.

There is a new and exciting service in Wales called Parent Talk Wales.  


There is a lot of pressure on parents and families at the

moment. Parents in Wales can now access this new

service to get support with anything that’s worrying them

about family life and parenting.  



Parent Talk Wales: 

  • Available to parents of 0-19 year olds 

  • Option of a 1:1 live chat with our Parenting Coaches who can provide support and reassurance specific to individual situations 

  • 1:1 chat is available in Welsh and English 

  • Browse articles, tips and resources on the most common parenting topics, such as:     

    • Mental health    

    • Behaviour    

    • SEND 

    • Sleep 

    • Child Development 

    • Co-parenting                                                                              

  • Free and confidential service 

  • Website:  


The Meic Helpline

Please find a link above for the Young person's mental health toolkit on Hwb;  you will find six playlists to direct you to a wide range of online resources to help you through the lockdown and beyond. In each of the playlists, you'll find self-help websites, apps, helplines, and more that are here to support your mental health and well-being.

Attached document; The Meic helpline, funded by Welsh Government and ran by ProMo-Cymru, offers information, advice and advocacy to every child and young person under 25 in Wales.


The Meic Helpline is free, confidential and bilingual and can be contacted by phone (080880 23456), text (84001) or online chat ( Children and young people can talk to one of our trained advisers about any question or issue they may have, big or small. Meic advisers will then work with that child or young person to find the help that they need. 


The Meic website is also full of useful articles which offer advice on a number of different subject. Visit the Articles section on the website to search through our previous articles, or use the magnifying glass on the top right hand corner to search a specific keyword.


Parenting Talk.png

Tips, advice and where to get support for your child's mental health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

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