Absence Request Form
Term Time Leave of Absences
In order for all students to achieve success and to reach their potential, it is vital that they have excellent school attendance and arrive at school, each day, on time. Over the past two years, attendance levels have understandably fallen. However, the evidence is clear that good attendance improves wellbeing, increases confidence in learning, develops self-esteem, fosters social skills and prepares students for later life. The possible impact of low attendance levels over an academic year are significant.
We appreciate that there may be circumstances whereby a student might require a leave of absence during term time. To ensure consistency throughout the Abergavenny Cluster and the Local Authority generally, and to follow what is an increasingly common practice across Wales, Monmouthshire County Council’s policy parents may request up to 10 days absence. Authorisation is at the Headteacher’s discretion.
Should you still wish to make a request for a leave of absence during term time, please complete the form on the school website or obtain a copy from the school office.
If required, please print, complete and return the following forms to the school office.